Join me on a journey of discovery into some of the most beloved film epics...
Lord of the Rings. It’s a Wonderful Life. Jaws. Back to the Future. The Shawshank Redemption. Star Wars. Braveheart. Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Sound of Music. Superman. Ghostbusters. The Goonies. The Matrix. The Wizard of Oz. Gladiator. Beauty and the Beast. Tombstone, and so many more!
Bridging time and culture, each novella carries surprising twists along with the assurance hope is our lifeline to grasp when our situations seem to be unraveling. Find solace in this heartwarming collection penned by several Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. bestselling authors.
Movies Capture Us
From the time we are children, movies capture both our attention and our imagination.
Movies have the power to influence our emotions, to make us cry until we have no tears left, laugh until the rafters shake, and scream with utter terror. They make us jump, hide our eyes, squirm in discomfort, raise our fists in triumph, or even dance.
Movies capture every one of our five senses, enough so that even decades later a scene, a smell, or a quote can bring it all back to us.
“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door."
Movies Speak To Us
Movies have the power to inspire us like almost nothing else. They can speak without words, and never seem to grow old no matter how many anniversary editions are released. Movies can comfort us as we forget our own pains, sorrows, and fears for a few hours, or help us deal with those things better, because by seeing others’ struggles up on the screen, we don’t feel so alone.
Unlocking YOUR story in movies you love
In Tron (1982), the intricate relationship between the program and the user serves as a profound metaphor for the connection between us and our Creator. The film illustrates the notion that, just like programs relying on their users for guidance and purpose, we, as human beings, depend on our Creator for direction and meaning in life. The users represent God, while the programs represent us, constantly seeking fulfillment and seeking guidance to navigate the digital world. This captivating analogy not only highlights the concept of reliance and interdependence but also encourages us to reflect on our own relationship with our Creator, discovering a deeper sense of purpose and connection in our lives.
Hear this podcast and many more about how you can encounter God in movies.
Movies Test Us

Movies capture us in story, so that we are swept away to worlds and adventures we could never have imagined. Movies make us want to be better people, or remind us of what we could become if we’re not careful.

Jesus-follower, movie nerd, and aspiring author. Sarah strives to fuse her love of movies with speaking the truth and love of God to others. Hear more about Sarah’s passion here.
I believe movies make us who we are...
I believe that movies can help make us who we are.
I believe that movies can be formative to our character, and give us dreams to reach for.
I believe that there’s a movie out there for everyone, usually more than one.
I believe the person I am now was and continues to be Forged in Film.
I also believe that the one true God partners with us to create stories, whether we are aware of it or not, because we are creative beings who share His creative DNA.
And I believe that as such, God will speak to us through movies if we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear what He would say.
Whether what you receive is encouragement or warning, comfort or inspiration, I pray that He will do this for you as well. Because He has created each and every one of you for a glorious destiny, which echoes through all of the movies we love.