Journey of Natty Gann

The Journey of Natty Gann (1985) Rated PG Directed by Jeremy Kagan Walt Disney Pictures Starring Meredith Salenger, John Cusack, Ray Wise, Scatman Crothers, Lainie Kazan During the Great Depression, a teenage girl travels across the country in search of her father. Opening Thoughts Seventeen years ago this month, I sat in my pastor’s […]
The Last Unicorn

A solitary unicorn discovers that all the rest of her kind have disappeared, and she sets out on a journey to find them, aided by a clumsy wizard and a bandit’s wife…
The Last Picture Show

This week I say goodbye to that old friend, Chunky’s Cinema Pub in Pelham, NH…
“Dear Billy”

So, to recap, at the beginning of Season Four, the younger gang are all high-schoolers now, and Max has become a bit of a loner since Billy’s death last season. Her mother and stepfather have divorced, and while she isn’t heartbroken to see her abusive…
The Terminator

Kyle tells Sarah he was born into a world at war, and guess what. So are we. Come with me if you want to live, and let’s travel to a time where the world is in ashes, and humans lead the resistance against the machines that seek to destroy them…