Romancing the Stone

Joan Wilder is an introverted romance novelist who lives alone, endlessly waiting for her hero “Jesse” to arrive at her door and sweep her off her feet. Who appears at her door instead is the man (Zolo) who murdered her brother in law, searching for a treasure map he sent to Joan before his death. Joan finds out her..
The Matrix

I’m pretty sure everyone has at least heard of this movie. It hit movie screens back in 1999 like a nuclear blast, and has been cloned and troped a zillion times since then. From its groundbreaking special effects to its fascinating storyline, The Matrix has cemented its place in pop culture the way…
Joyeux Noel

My brother, a big history buff, turned me on to this movie when he told me about the actual Christmas truce of 1914, during World War I, where over 100,000 British and German troops held a ceasefire on Christmas and exchanged alcohol, tobacco, pictures, and food. They played football, lit Christmas trees and candles, and sang carols together. Dead were buried, Christmas services were held, and for a day, war and strife were…
The Girl on the Mountain

I honestly can’t remember how I first heard about this film. I know I stumbled across the trailer somewhere online, watched it, and thought, “Huh. This reminds me a LOT of the characters in my big fantasy epic I’ve been working on for sixteen years!” So I had it on my watchlist forever, and finally watched it the other night on Amazon and was very…
Legends of the Fall

About a year and a half ago I re-watched it when I ended up in a conversation with a bunch of guys about whether Tristan was really the “hero” of the film. One guy had been reading Wild at Heart, by John Eldredge, and was confused by Eldredge’s praise of Tristan. The guy saw Tristan as…
“Dear Billy”

So, to recap, at the beginning of Season Four, the younger gang are all high-schoolers now, and Max has become a bit of a loner since Billy’s death last season. Her mother and stepfather have divorced, and while she isn’t heartbroken to see her abusive…