Red Dawn

It’s an ordinary September day in Calumet, Colorado. High schoolers Matt, Aardvark, Daryl, Robert, and Danny are in a history class when paratroopers start to drift down from the sky. The troops begin slaughtering teachers and students alike as Matt’s brother Jed rescues them from the attack, speeding them away in his truck…

Rebecca (1940)

A young woman marries a rich Englishman after a whirlwind courtship, and she returns home with him to his country estate, where they are both haunted by memories of his first wife, Rebecca

Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret

Margaret, your average 1970’s twelve year old, arrives home from camp to find that she and her parents are moving from New York City to the suburbs of New Jersey…

Forged in Film Anniversary

Hey everyone! I’m here at Realm Makers in St Louis, but I wanted to drop in really quick and share how happy I am that so many of you (both here and at home) have been interacting with my blog birthday all week! By the way, if you don’t know what Realm Makers is, it’s an annual conference for Christian authors of fantasy and science fiction. This is my…


Hey Forgers! Welcome back as we discuss what I consider to be the father of today’s epic superhero films, Superman: The Movie! Made in 1978, I think my first introduction to this film was actually through the sequel, Superman II, which came out in 1980. My brother and I used to chase each other around, screaming, “Come, son of Jor-El! Kneel before Zod!”


I was also always very amused by Matthew Broderick’s character Philippe and how he was always talking to God with great familiarity, and often wondered what it would be like to be on such friendly terms with God…it seemed so irreverent…little did I know! And Michelle Pfeiffer is ethereal in this role, at one point Philippe describes her as having skin like…

The NeverEnding Story

John Eldredge in his book, Epic, shares how important the power of Story is. Jesus taught in stories. We are attracted to great adventures in story because our lives are an adventure! We long to be the hero because we were created that way. Let’s get lost in the pages of The NeverEnding Story, and see how Story connects us all to each other…


So I can’t remember the first time I ever saw the movie Godspell, but I’ve seen several versions of the musical over the years. I think I saw the movie when I was in college, and just sort of fell in love with the goofiness and the innocence of it. And I have to admit, the soundtrack is straight up catchy. Christian music artist Michael W Smith shared once about how he “wore out” his copy of the…

Far and Away

I remember very well when I saw this movie for the first time. I had just graduated high school, and was down in Texas visiting my dad and grandmother for a few weeks in the summer. I had a bit of a crush on the next door neighbors’ grandson, and I think they pressured him to do a nice thing and take me out, so we went to see this movie. I still remember being blown away, both by the fact that this cute boy had taken me out to the movies and also about…

Romancing the Stone

Joan Wilder is an introverted romance novelist who lives alone, endlessly waiting for her hero “Jesse” to arrive at her door and sweep her off her feet. Who appears at her door instead is the man (Zolo) who murdered her brother in law, searching for a treasure map he sent to Joan before his death. Joan finds out her..