The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Rated PG-13
Directed by Peter Jackson
Production Company: New Line Cinema
Starring Ian McKellan, Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Viggo Mortenson, Sean Bean, Orlando Bloom, John Rhys-Davies, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Liv Tyler, Hugo Weaving, Christopher Lee, Cate Blanchett, Ian Holm
A young hobbit is charged with a quest to destroy a powerful magical ring whose master would use it to plunge all of Middle Earth into death and destruction.

Opening Thoughts
The world is changed…much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.
December 21, 2001. It was just over three months after 9/11, and the world was looking for some relief. It was a Friday night, and a friend had been begging me to go see a new movie with him. I didn’t know a whole lot about it except it was based on a book I’d never read. But I was always down for a good fantasy story, and it had Sean Astin in it, whom I’d been a fan of since The Goonies, so I agreed to go.
The theater was crazy crowded, and I went and found my seat while I waited for my friend to bring our popcorn. Since it was so crowded, we had to sit pretty close to the screen, and I hoped I wouldn’t come out of the show with a bad crick in my neck. The lights darkened, the trailers reeled, and then the movie began. It was my very first showing of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, and never before or since have I experienced anything like seeing that movie.

It began with the Forging of the Great Rings…
From the very first epic battle between the men, elves, and orcs, I was enraptured. My friend brought my popcorn but I didn’t eat it. I didn’t even realize he’d come back. My popcorn, my friend, the other movie-goers, and the theater all faded away as I was immersed in Middle Earth.
When the Nazgul shrieked in its pursuit of Frodo I got goosebumps all over me and cringed, covering my ears as a chill shot through me.
When Frodo was stabbed on Weathertop I gasped, because it felt as if the Morgul-blade had pierced my own flesh.
When the goblins were firing arrows at the fellowship in Moria, it was as if I could feel them swishing by my own head.
When their boats passed by the Argonath, I felt like I did when I once visited the Statue of Liberty…as if I could have reached out and touched those giant stone toes.
When the arrows thudded into Boromir’s body, I shuddered and literally couldn’t breathe, feeling as if they were slamming into my own chest.
When the movie ended, I sat up, blinking, in all ways “coming back to earth.” My friend asked me how I liked it, and I turned to him and said, “I have to see this again. When can we see this again?” So we went back the next day and saw it again. And then again a few days later. Before the movie ended its run six months later, I had seen Fellowship of the Ring twenty-one times in the theater, averaging just shy of once a week. My mother bought me a copy of the book trilogy for Christmas, and I plowed through the entire thing in four nights. I just couldn’t get enough of the movie and the world of Middle Earth. So I joined the official Lord of the Rings fan club, paying for the top Charter Member tier, a perk of which was having my name in the credits of all three extended editions of the movies. I made friends from all over the world, and somehow got myself invited to the fan club Oscar parties in Hollywood for three years straight. I met Ian McKellan, Peter Jackson, Billy Boyd, Andy Serkis, Howard Shore, and, eventually, to my unending delight and satisfaction, Sean Astin.

(Yes, this is a real Academy Awards “Oscar” statue. They are very heavy.)
These movies have touched me and spoken to me and meant something to me in a way that no other movies (except the original Star Wars trilogy) have done, ever. I’m so very excited to share with you what God showed me in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring!
The story of the evil Sauron and his creation of the One Ring of Power is shared, and how Sauron was defeated and the Ring lost. Many years later, a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins finds the Ring in a cave, and brings it to his home in the Shire. On his 111th birthday, he disappears, leaving the Ring in his nephew Frodo’s care. The wizard Gandalf visits Frodo, telling him the history of the Ring and how Sauron has risen and is seeking it to wreak havoc on Middle Earth. Gandalf declares the Ring is no longer safe in the Shire and it must be destroyed. Frodo takes the Ring and leaves the Shire, accompanied by his friend Sam. Along the way they are joined by Frodo’s cousins, Merry and Pippin.
The four hobbits make it to the market town of Bree, where they are pursued by the wraith-like Nazgul. They fall under the protection of a Ranger, Strider, who leads them to the Elvish sanctuary of Rivendell. Frodo is wounded along the way, but receives healing at the hands of Elrond, Lord of Rivendell. He also finds his uncle Bilbo has been residing with the elves for many months.
Men, dwarves, and elves come for a council to decide what to do with the Ring. Elrond declares it must be taken to Mordor and cast into the fires of Mount Doom, as it cannot be destroyed any other way. Frodo volunteers to take the Ring to Mordor, and Elrond forms a Fellowship to accompany him, consisting of Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, and Strider, as well as the dwarf Gimli, the elf Legolas, and the son of the steward of Gondor, Boromir. It is also revealed during the council that Strider, also known as Aragorn, is heir to the throne of Gondor.
The group sets out for Mordor, but gets stuck in the dwarvish mines of Moria, where Gandalf is struck down by the demonic Balrog. The rest of the group escapes to the elvish woods of Lothlorien, governed by Galadriel, the Lady of Light. They grieve Gandalf, and Galadriel meets with Frodo privately, telling him he cannot escape his duty to destroy the Ring, and that if he doesn’t find a way, no one will. The fellowship leaves Lothlorien by way of the river Anduin. They are pursued by Uruk Hai, dark warriors of the evil wizard Saruman.
Boromir gives in to the temptation to possess the Ring, and attacks Frodo, but Frodo slips on the Ring and escapes Boromir by becoming invisible. The group is attacked by the Uruk Hai, and a repentant Boromir is killed trying to protect Merry and Pippin, who are captured. Strider, (now known by his kingly name of Aragorn), Legolas, and Gimli set out to rescue Merry and Pippin as Sam and Frodo continue on to Mordor alone.

So What Did God Show Me?
-During the prologue, Galadriel states that “something happened then that the Ring did not intend…it was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable. A hobbit, Bilbo Baggins of the Shire.” It made me think how Scripture tells us that the enemy has many plans to come against us, but that none of these plans can compare to the almighty plan of an almighty God. The Ring aimed to escape from Gollum and make its way back to its master. Being picked up by Bilbo was not part of its plan. Gandalf later tells Frodo that “There are other forces at work in this world besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, and therefore, you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.” No matter what is going on in your life, no matter how out of control things may feel, try to remember that nothing is ever out of God’s control, and nothing can ever upset his plan for us and the world.
-One of my favorite Bilbo quotes is, “I want to see mountains again, mountains, Galdalf! And then find someplace quiet where I can finish my book.” Right there with ya Bilbo, yup. I just want to see some mountains and find a quiet place to write my book. Is that too much to ask?? 🤪
-The whole scene where Gandalf is encouraging Bilbo to leave the Ring behind is such a powerful example of the corrupting pull of addiction. How many of us have said something like, “I can stop anytime I want to?” How many of us have reacted in anger to a friend who sees the effect our addiction has on us, and tries to help us see it as well? Gandalf has to give Bilbo a little tough love, but eventually Bilbo does agree to leave the Ring behind, although not without an intense inner struggle. I can’t imagine how difficult that must’ve been for Bilbo to let go of the Ring. After all, he’d kept it for sixty years! And Bilbo eventually turned out to be one of only two Ring-bearers who were able to give the Ring up of their own free will (the other being Samwise Gamgee who carried it for a very short time). But once he does so you can practically see the weight sliding off Bilbo’s shoulders and the freedom and relief in his face. I once read, I believe it was on the Moral Revolution website, that “The exciting feelings you get when you give in to (temptation) will NEVER feel as good as the good feelings you will have saying ‘no’ to it. Temptation is never as powerful as your ability to say no to it. Remember that, and the promise of 1 Corinthians 10:13 – “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” I know it’s difficult. Believe me, I know. I do. I’ve struggled with dark temptations in my own life, and sometimes I give in, and sometimes I don’t. It’s not easy. But man, does it feel good when I stand against temptation and don’t give in.

-I love how Gandalf sends Sam with Frodo on his journey. Gandalf knew, even if Frodo didn’t, that he wouldn’t be able to complete his quest alone, that he’d need a friend. Frodo even admits later in The Two Towers that “Frodo wouldn’t have got far without Sam,” and it’s true. We all need someone beside us on the road of life, someone to help protect and defend us, someone to encourage us, to comfort us. To help us up when we fall, to care for us when we’re weak. To support us when the whole world seems against us. Scripture tells us that, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.” (Eccl 4:9-12) Throughout their travels together, we see Sam come through for Frodo time and time again, and his quest would indeed have failed if not for Sam. I hope everyone has a Sam of some kind in their life.

-When Frodo and the hobbits meet Aragorn (also known as Strider) in Bree, Aragorn asks Frodo, “Are you frightened?” Frodo answers him honestly, “Yes,” but Aragorn tells him bluntly, “Not frightened enough. I know what hunts you.” Aragorn has much more worldly wisdom than even an educated hobbit like Frodo, and knows much more about the enemy that is hunting them both. So often we go through life not only unaware of the spiritual warfare that is going on around us, but of how important we are in that battle. We can understand that the devil has many schemes and ways to get at us, but I don’t think we understand soberly the level of hatred he has against the children of God. If we did, we would take much more seriously the warning in 1 Peter 5:8 to “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” As Christians we have Jesus and his authority, so we don’t need to live in fear of our enemy, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be wary.
-Frodo has been severely wounded by the Nazgul on Weathertop, and the enemy is closing in. Things look hopeless. But it is when things look the darkest that light shines the brightest. Enter Aragorn’s elven love, Arwen. Arwen is an elf, and like all elves she carries the light of Valinor within her. She comes to the rescue, bringing hope, courage, and comfort to Aragorn and the hobbits. She bravely offers to bring Frodo to her home in Rivendell to receive healing, and states that she does not fear the evil Nazgul that pursue them. Aragorn respects Arwen’s courage and skill in battle, and allows her to escape with Frodo. Hounded by the enemy, she races to save Frodo, and when cornered by the Nazgul who demand her to surrender the hobbit, she taunts them, “If you want him, come and claim him!” Arwen is filled with the light as we are filled with Christ. Though the enemy may come near and threaten, and though they may look large, intimidating, and overwhelming, we can stand against them by the power of Christ within us. Arwen used the power of the elves to bring the mighty river Bruinen to come against her enemy, and we also can call on a power higher and stronger than ourselves to overcome the enemy that threatens us.

-Arwen’s father, the great elf Lord Elrond, shares the story of when the Ring was in the hands of Aragorn’s ancestor, Isildur, who came in possession of it when he cut the Ring from Sauron’s hand. Elrond brought Isildur to the fiery chasm in Mount Doom to destroy the Ring, but Isildur was already enraptured by the Ring and refused to give it up. (At this point I think most of us were yelling at Elrond, “Just throw him in!”) Isildur kept the Ring, and evil was allowed to endure. A grievous mistake by Isildur, to be sure. What would life in Middle Earth have looked like if Isildur had heeded Elrond’s warning and cast the Ring back into the fire? Many lives would have been saved, and much destruction and suffering averted.
But look at the story that did unfold. God used Isildur’s pride and stubbornness to write a new story, crafting a grand epic that was retold for generations afterwards. And this epic new story included repentance and restoration for Isildur’s line through his heir, Aragorn. We make our own grievous mistakes in life when we don’t listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and ignore his convictions. Take for instance the story of Joseph in the Bible. Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, and yet God used Joseph, elevating him to a high status in Egypt, so that eventually he was able to save his entire family from starvation. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.” (Genesis 50:20) When we feel as if we’ve messed things up beyond repair and hurt those we love, if we humble ourselves we can trust that God will work even through those mistakes and make something more epic and incredible than we ever could have imagined.

-As Aragorn gazes at the Shards of Narsil, the sword of his ancestor, Isildur, Arwen asks him, “Why do you fear the past? You are Isildur’s heir, not Isildur himself. You are not bound to his fate.” Aragorn replies, “The same blood flows through my veins. The same…weakness.” A great deal of our identity, how we see and think of ourselves, can be bound up in the generations that have come before us. We look at our fathers, mothers, grandfathers, and grandmothers, and wonder if we are like them at all. If they were brave, kind, or otherwise successful people we hope we will turn out like them, but if they were dishonest, unkind, or violent we worry about such traits being reflected in our own lives.
I had a great aunt, my grandmother’s sister.. She never married, and worked for the phone company her whole life. She took care of her parents when they were elderly until they died, and was very rich and very generous to me and my family as I was growing up. But, the thing is, my great aunt was also an awful grouch. She had her “favorites” in our family, some she treated royally, showering them with gifts or money, and others she treated very poorly and would make very cutting remarks about. Overall, she was not an enjoyable person to spend time with. When she died, she was alone in her home and we found out a few days later when she missed a hair appointment. I always felt sad for her that it ended that way.
Now, for some reason, once I hit a certain age, I became gripped with this fear that I was going to end up like my great-aunt. I mean, she was single her whole life, and I’m almost the only one, out of my whole family, who’s still single. I was terrified I was going to become the “obligation relative,” or the “spinster aunt,” and end up dying alone like my great aunt. That I was going to be a burden to my family, someone they’d roll their eyes over and put up with. I don’t know where I got that idea, but it stuck pretty hard with me, until once I mentioned it to my cousins and they were kind of horrified and amused at the same time. “Sarah,” one of my cousins said, “You are nothing, NOTHING like her. She was cranky and isolated herself and was not someone who you wanted to be around. You are full of life and fun and joy! We always want you around! You will always have a place in this family any time.” I can’t even tell you how loved and wanted that made me feel. Anyways, all that to say, as Arwen tells Aragorn, we are NOT our fathers or mothers or any of our relatives. We are made free in Christ, made new, and are our own person in him. We are not bound to the fates of those who came before us. Whatever your family history, God can use you for his purposes.
-“The Ring is altogether evil.” During the Council of Elrond, when many come to discuss the fate of the Ring, Boromir, a mighty warrior and the son of the Steward of Gondor, is eager to take the Ring and use it for Gondor’s defense. He doesn’t understand that the Ring itself is evil, and can never be used for good. Even if a person used it with good intentions, the Ring would warp and twist those intentions, causing, eventually, only destruction.
Geez, how many times a day do we rationalize sin to make it “okay?” “Wow, that cashier gave me too much change, so it’s ok if I just keep it, right?” “I know I’m married, but that new girl at the office is so much fun to talk to. I feel like she really understands me in ways my wife never will. And it’s just talking, there’s nothing wrong with just talking.” “It’s just one drink, my parents will never know. Everyone else is doing it.” We can find ourselves in situations where even if we have the best intentions, we can rapidly head south. Sin is sin, it’s never justified, even when we feel like we have no other choice. We cannot make sin “work for us,” like Boromir thought he could do with the Ring.
-I sometimes wonder why Frodo volunteered to take the Ring to Mordor. I mean, he definitely didn’t have to…he’d already almost lost his life just getting the Ring to Rivendell, his journey was supposed to be over. He’d had quite enough adventure to last him a lifetime, thank you very much. And it’s not like taking the Ring was an opportunity that had many benefits. He knew it would be an incredibly hard road to travel, especially for a hobbit. Frodo had already begun to experience the dreadful power of the Ring, and to see the effects it had on people he loved, like Bilbo. Maybe this was part of the reason he volunteered to take the Ring to destroy it, so that it couldn’t corrupt or be used to hurt anyone else ever again. Maybe he felt that although he was only a small hobbit and not a brave warrior, this was something he could do, continue to carry the Ring as he had already done, keep it secret, keep it safe. Whatever his reason, I’m sure it was a comfort to him that so many volunteered to go with him and help bear his burden.

-“Great! …Where are we going?” Oh man, don’t you just love Pippin? He’s just so blissfully unaware of how much danger they’re headed into. This whole adventure has just been more exciting than anything he’s ever seen in his entire life, so he’s all for continuing it. I know when I first saw this movie I was kind of rolling my eyes like, okay, Merry and Pippin don’t really have much use here, they’re kind of just going to be dead hobbit weight, the comic relief. It’s not until later that we see the importance that Merry and Pippin bring to the story. Merry becomes an Esquire of Rohan, hurries the Ents, and helps Eowyn battle the Witch King of Angmar. Pippin becomes a Guard of the Citadel and a knight of Gondor, and saves Faramir’s life. They certainly didn’t plan to do any of these things, but God used their humbleness and willingness to serve and eventually raised them up in glory, not only in the hobbit holes of the Shire, but throughout all Middle Earth. “You bow to no one.”
And don’t downplay the comic relief either. Sometimes the ability to laugh, stay cheerful, and make light of a serious situation can encourage someone to keep going through difficulties that they might not normally be able to endure.
-“I would very much like to hold it again…one last time.” Oh my gosh, how many of you just screamed during this scene?? I know I almost wet my pants the first time. But it’s a very telling scene that shows just how easy it can be to fall back into sin, especially something addictive that once held us captive. Bilbo hadn’t even touched the Ring, just saw a glimpse of it. He knew it was evil, but what was the harm in holding it…just one last time? Frodo was taking it to destroy it, after all, this would be his last chance to hold it. Who knows what would have happened if Frodo had given in and let Bilbo take it? (shudder) Thankfully, Frodo kept the Ring and tucked it out of sight. Bilbo was finally able to realize the horrible hold the Ring had had on him for so many years, and felt the grief that his actions had caused for others he loved. “I’m sorry I brought this upon you my boy…I’m sorry you must bear this burden…I’m sorry for everything!” This is the first time we see Bilbo own up to his actions and attitudes concerning the Ring, and it’s sad but beautiful when he brokenly apologizes. Frodo puts a gentle hand on his shoulder, comforting him, but it also shows that Frodo is now very solemnly aware of the corrupting power of the Ring and what it can do to those who seek to possess it.

-Later, when the Fellowship has reached the mines of Moria, Frodo is shocked and terrified when Gandalf tells him that the previous owner of the Ring, the creature Gollum, has been following them for three days. Frodo viciously spits out, “It’s a pity Bilbo didn’t kill him while he had the chance!” Gandalf responds gently, “Pity? T’was pity that stayed Bilbo’s hand. Many that live deserve death, and some who die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgment.” In essence, Gandalf was chastising Frodo for judging Gollum, who had gone through hardships and terrors that Frodo could never have imagined, for hundreds of years, all of which helped shape him into the pitiful but dangerous being that hunted them.
I remember when I was in elementary and junior high school I was bullied a lot, especially by a boy named Roger. He would torment me day after day, doing all kinds of awful things that would send me home in tears, loath to go back to school again the next day. I was scared of him and the hurt he could and did cause me, and I hated him for making my life miserable for years. It wasn’t until years later that I found out that Roger had a terrible home life with a father who was very cruel to him. Yes, Roger was very mean to me…but I was able to forgive him when I found out how hurting and broken he was in his own life. And as much as I was hurt by him, the experience helped me years later to have compassion and understanding when I was a teen mentor, counseling those who had been bullied like I was. God used my hurt for good.
Yes, many things that Gollum did perhaps made him deserving of death, but really, who among us does not deserve death? We have all sinned and done things that make us worthy of a death sentence. Thank God that Jesus stands as our Advocate, and took our sentence upon his own shoulders, saving us. God is the only one who is able to truly be our judge, because he is the only one that can see all ends, and the parts we play in the great story of Life.
-When the Fellowship arrives in the elven forest of Lothlorien, they meet the elf queen Galadriel, the Lady of Light. Galadriel and Frodo talk later about his quest to destroy the Ring, and Frodo’s weariness and hopelessness at being able to complete the task given to him. Galadriel understands, more than anyone else, the Frodo’s weight of responsibility because she is a ring bearer herself. Galadriel is the keeper of the elvish Ring Nenya, the “Ring of Adamant.” While not as powerful or evil as the One Ring, it was still bound to the One Ring, and therefore Galadriel still had to deal with the great responsibility of keeping it safe. Frodo’s burden was obviously much heavier, but he appreciated Galadriel’s encouragement and probably took comfort in the fact that she understood his burden better than most. It helps so much when we have people in our lives who have “been there,” doesn’t it? It makes us feel less alone when there is someone who understands what we’re going through.

-While Galadriel did encourage Frodo, she did not coddle him or make light of the hardships that awaited him. She showed him a future of torment that awaited Middle Earth if he did not succeed. “This task was appointed to you, and if you do not find a way…no one will.” We also have been tasked by God with our own missions. What has he given you to do? Whatever your mission-quest-thing is, know that it is something that only you can do. Maybe you feel what God has given you to do is something unimportant or something that anyone could do. Not true! Maybe you, like Frodo, feel hopeless that you can ever accomplish what God has put in front of you. Again, not true.
I wrote in one of my first blog posts on The Terminator, “Every single one of us is unique in a way that never has been or ever will be, and because of that uniqueness we are crucial, nay, critical to God’s plan for the world. You may not feel this way, but the enemy sees your true self, your spiritual person, and that person has incredible capacity for power through the Holy Spirit, and therefore is a huge and intimidating threat to the enemy, so he is going to do everything he can to convince you that you are powerless, unimportant, weak, and useless.”
Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy who fears what you can accomplish in Christ! Remember, “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” You can do this. God gave you this task for a reason, and he is fully capable to help you see it through.
-Before the Fellowship departs Lothlorien, Galadriel gives each of the Fellowship a gift. Her gift to Frodo is a little bottle she refers to as the “Light of Eärendil,” a phial filled with water from Galadriel’s fountain which encased some of the light of Eärendil‘s star: the light of the Two Trees of Valinor. She tells Frodo, “May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.” What is your light in dark places? What do you reach for when things look the darkest? I know I have several Scriptures that I use to hold back the darkness that can come against me.
Another item that is a “Phial” for me is a bracelet that was made for me by my friend Sarah Chadd. Sarah owns an Etsy shop called “Armored With Truth,” and she makes the most beautiful leather-burned jewelry, journals, and other items. She made me a bracelet with a quote from Merry, speaking to Eowyn, in The Return of the King on it: “My lady, you are fair, and brave, and have much to live for, and many who love you.” I can’t even tell you how many times I have used the truths in that simple quote to come against lies the enemy uses to weaken me. He tells me I’m ugly, or cowardly, or unworthy, or alone, and I can quickly respond, “NO! I am none of those things! I am fair, and brave, and have much to live for, and many who love me!” God gave me this random quote that has been such a powerful weapon! I love that he did this for me. What has he given you as a light against the darkness?

-Throughout the course of the journey and the hardships they face, Boromir is put to the test many times, and gradually responds more and more to the siren call of the Ring’s power. In one tense moment, he gives in to his temptation and tries to violently claim the Ring from Frodo, forcing Frodo to use the Ring to escape him. Boromir, to his credit, is immediately ashamed and repentant, calling out to Frodo to forgive him, but it is too late. There is no time to reconcile, for the Fellowship is attacked by the Uruk Hai. Boromir fights bravely to defend Merry and Pippin against the monsters that are three times their size, but despite his valiant efforts, he is slain, and the hobbits are captured.
The scene following this where Boromir is found by Aragorn as he lies dying, is probably one of the most powerful scenes in the movie. Boromir is filled with grief that he was unable to save Merry and Pippin, shame at his actions against Frodo, and despair that Gondor will be overcome by the evil that is threatening Middle Earth. He confesses his sin to Aragorn and apologizes, asking forgiveness for his actions, and expresses relief that Frodo was able to get away safely with the Ring. Aragorn assures him that he fought bravely and kept his honor, and he promises, for the first time, to fight and protect the realm of Gondor. “I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you, I will not let the White City fall, or our people fail.” “Our people. Our people,” Boromir responds, and uses the last of his strength to reach for his sword. “I would have followed you, my brother…my captain…my King,” he states proudly before he finally passes.
The beauty of confession, repentance, humility, and forgiveness in this scene is beyond compare. Despite his shortcomings and sins, Boromir (because it takes bravery to humble oneself, and admit to and confess sin) is completely forgiven by Aragorn, who honors him by taking his Gondorian gauntlets and wearing them for the rest of the movies.
God does this for us, when we come before him and humble ourselves. He is faithful and will forgive us, comfort us, and honor us just as Aragorn did for Boromir, and our sins are remembered no more.
-After escaping Boromir and the Uruk Hai, Frodo stands by the river bank, feeling utterly hopeless and helpless. He knows what he has to do, but he’s afraid to do it. How can he go on, alone, and face such utter evil? He’s only a hobbit.
“I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.”
How many of us have been in that place?? “Lord, I’m tired. Lord, I can’t do this. Can’t you see, I’m too old/weak/broken/unskilled/unworthy to do what you ask of me. It’s going to hurt. It’s going to be hard. I’ve lost and suffered so much already. I wish you hadn’t asked me. I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this.”
But then, softly, comes the voice of Gandalf, “So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”
When we are standing on the edge of our own quest, feeling lost and unwilling, God prods us in the same way. We cannot control what happens to us. We may have the illusion that we can, but we really don’t. We cannot change the things that happen to us. What we can do is decide how to face each day. Every day is a gift from God, every day we awake with fresh opportunities. We can choose to stay home, stay in bed, and do nothing. Or, we can choose to get up and put on foot in front of the other. Even if you are in the worst of the worst circumstances, every single one of us still has two assets: you are alive, and you are not alone. Everything else flows from those two things. So how will you use your life? It’s the hardest decision in the world, but it’s also the simplest. What will you do with what God has given you?

-Frodo has made his decision, and he gets in a boat, fully prepared and resigned to going on alone. But Sam, endlessly faithful Sam, is not about to let his friend go without him. Even though Frodo tells him to stay, Sam relentlessly follows, even coming close to drowning until Frodo pulls him into the boat. He stubbornly tells Frodo, “I made a promise. A promise, Mr. Frodo. Don’t you leave him, Samwise Gamgee. And I don’t mean to. I don’t mean to.” Frodo relents, embracing his friend, relieved that he will not have to face hardship and terror alone.
This. This scene right here was what endeared me to Sam more than any other. This scene spoke right straight to my heart and confirmed every feeling of faithfulness I’ve ever had towards the ones I love. It was when I took Sam’s persona as my own, and became “Sarahwise.” The character of Sam inspired me and made me want to be like him, a better person. Like Sam, I would not let my loved ones go alone and suffer alone. I’d stop a bullet for those I love. I’d step in front of a train. I’d walk through fire. But more than that. I answer the phone at 2 in the morning. I share my lunch if they forgot theirs. I have literally given them the coat off my back. I held them as they wept. I helped carry heavy things both physical, emotional, and spiritual. (No Rings, although I would if I had to.) Why? Because it gives me joy. The relationships I have, both familial and friendly, are worth so much to me. I love being loved by them, so to love them in return is a joy I cherish deeply.
But as great as my love is for them, it is nothing compared to the greatest of all Samwise’s: Jesus. Jesus is the companion like no other. He will never leave us to fend for ourselves alone. He will always come with us, whether we want him to or not. He will always fight for us and defend us. He will always provide for us and take care of us.
No matter how much love I lavish on others, it pales in comparison to the commitment Jesus has made to us. So when we love others, it is reflective of that great love that Jesus pours out on us. “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:12-13) Like I said above, I hope you have a Samwise with you on this journey called life. But know that even if you don’t, Jesus will never leave you. He made a promise, a promise, not to leave you. And he don’t mean to. He don’t mean to.
Closing Thoughts
Well, obviously, my love for this movie knows no end, and I know this is a super long post. I actually cut some parts out to make it a bit more breathable, but I hope it spoke to you the way this movie continually, every time I watch it, does to me.
I want to end with one more story. Throughout my whole experience in the Lord of the Rings fan club, I had one hope. Through all the exciting things I did, parties I attended, places I went to and people I met, I just had one wish: I wanted to meet Sean Astin and tell him thank you. Like I’ve said before, I’d been a fan of Sean Astin since The Goonies, and loved him in other movies like Rudy. I didn’t want to sit down and have a long conversation or ask him a million questions. I just wanted to tell him thank you for giving such an incredible performance bringing an epic character to life. Well, I went to all three of the Oscar parties for all three movies, and although I came close a few times, I never did get a chance to talk to him. I was disappointed, but what could I do?
Then, in 2004, I heard that Sean was coming to Boston. The Museum of Science was holding an exhibit on Lord of the Rings with many of the costumes and props from the movies, and Sean was coming for one day to sign autographs and promote his new book, an autobiography called “There and Back Again: An Actor’s Tale.” Well you better believe I was there first thing in the morning. I met a friend and we waited in line together all day, switching off and taking turns so we could each go see the exhibit. I could see Sean from a distance, and we kept moving slowly closer and closer. As we got really close, I could see how gracious he was, being friendly and personal with each person, despite catcalls and shouts of “Rudy, Rudy!” or “Goonies never say die!” that periodically came from the mezzanine above. I approached the table, with my copy of his book and a copy of Variety magazine for him to sign. The Variety had a “For Your Consideration” Oscar double page ad spread of him carrying Frodo up Mount Doom. (Which, I just have to say, he was ROBBED of not being nominated!)
Finally, finally, it was my turn, and I walked up to Sean, placed my book and magazine on the table for him to sign, and said something along the lines of, “Hi, Sean. My name’s Sarah, and I just wanted to tell you how much I loved your performance as Sam in Lord of the Rings. I’ve enjoyed your work in lots of movies, but when you played Sam it inspired and encouraged me so much…it made me want to be a better person. I so appreciate all of the hard work you put in to deliver such an amazing and memorable performance. So I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much!” As I was speaking, Sean’s looking at me with his head tilted to the side a little, and I swear he teared up a bit. When I finished, he said, “Wow…wow! That’s so, so incredibly nice of you to say that. Wow, thank you! That really means a lot. Thank you so much! Really, thanks!” Then he signed my book and magazine and I left. As I was leaving, I saw they had cut the line off for the day just a few people behind me. God knew the desire of my heart, and got me through and let me thank Sean, and out of everything I did and experienced, it remains one of my favorite LOTR memories.

I obviously could go on and on, but I just encourage you to watch these movies, even if you’re not a fantasy geek or a literary nerd. Tolkien’s message of love, faithfulness, and fellowship will never stop being classic, which is why The Fellowship of the Ring is one of my favorite movies of all time. I will never get tired of watching it, because God shows me something new every single time.
Links I Like
Links I like:
Music video with Enya performing “May It Be”
My final project for my American Sign Language course in 2002 – me signing “May It Be” dressed like an elf!
The birthday video from Sean Astin (Samwise Gamgee) that my friends got for me for my 50th birthday!
The Ambient Worlds Youtube channel has many wonderful LOTR-themed videos <3, also known as “TORN,” home of the official Lord of the Rings Fan Club
Arwen Undomiel – find your name in Elvish! (limited selection)
A Lent of Lord of the Rings – read the books during the season of Lent
Hobbiton Movie Set Tours in New Zealand
All the issues (18 total) of the official LOTR Fan Club magazine have been scanned and uploaded to the Internet Archive. If you’re looking for the ones that I made an appearance in at fan events, you can find pics of me here:
Issue 3 (w Boromir on cover), page 11…in sunglasses in center of group
Issue 6 (w Saruman on cover), page 71…in pink shirt at the bottom
Issue 8 (w Pippin on cover), page 67…in plaid vest at top of the page
I’d love to hear from you! What do you love about the LOTR? Does God speak to you when watching it? How can you use your light in times of great darkness?
1-Fellowship poster:
2-Fellowship title splash:
3-Ring Fire Letters:
5-Frodo and Gandalf:
6-Bilbo and ring:
8-Arwen Nazgul at river:
9-Shards of narsil:
10-The Fellowship:
11-Frodo by fire:
12-Galadriel kisses Frodo:
13-Boromir’s death:
14-Sam and Frodo in boat: